Tuesday, August 30, 2022

Color Blocked shirts

Here are a bunch of pictures of the Color Block shirts I made using Ellie and Mac's pattern. I love that it's a uni-sex pattern. I can sew for my boys, finally! I may have gone a bit crazy with making the kids stuff from this pattern, haha. 

March 2021
I believe this was my first shirt I made using the pattern. Eesa likes snakes (why?) and I happened to have this snakeskin stretchy fabric that also happened to match perfectly with the purple knit fabric I had in my stash. The pattern comes with an optional tie, which I used for this shirt for added interest. Girly liked it and she still wears it to this day (1.5 years later).
March 2021
A few days later, I made Ian a shirt using the same pattern, sans tie. Unfortunately, it was way too small. He wore it once before I gave it away. I made him another one a month or so later, exactly the same expect a bigger size!  

April 2021
I made the boys matching shirts! Again, the shirts turned out too small and were only wearable once or twice. After making these shirts I figured I needed to use a bigger size. I'm not sure if there was an issue with the pattern itself, or the way I printed the pattern, or maybe the fabric shrunk a ton (unlikely since I almost always pre-wash my fabrics). Luckily It wasn't too much of a loss, I just gave the big guy's shirt to the little guy and gave the little guy's shirt to an even littler guy! I don't think the orange fabric I used was stretchy enough for this pattern, notice how the neckline bunches up!

May 2021
I no longer trusted the size I had printed out, but I was able to draft a larger size from it. I made this shirt for Gabe, who was happy enough with the shirt to actually wear it! 

An orange color-blocked shirt for girlie, no tie this time. She doesn't have a lot of the color orange in her wardrobe, so this was nice for a change. I love the shiny, shimmery fabric. Alas, it has started to rub off, so she doesn't wear it much, yet she doesn't want to give it away quite yet.

They both wore their color block shirts on the same day!

Here's the replacement color block shirt for the one that was too small. I stupidly cut two fronts instead of one front and one back, but it wasn't that big of a deal, it just made me feel stupid. As a bonus, Eesa is wearing a tank top I made from altering the color block pattern into a tank.

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